Join Our 30-Day Challenge to Beat Social Anxiety!

EFT Tapping + the best of Traditional Psychology to guide you towards Social Confidence!

In this challenge, you'll experience guided tapping exercises to boost motivation, build confidence, and eliminate your social anxiety—no need to face your fears directly. Join thousands who've reduced social anxiety investing just 20 minutes a day!

Watch the video below! 



The next Challenge will likely start on
January 1, 2025.

If you want to start releasing your social anxiety sooner, we have something even better for you!

The Social Confidence Club!

The Club is designed to fully guide you on your journey to social confidence. Registration opens only for 5 days once a year, end of February!

Enter your name and email address below to be notified for both, the next 30 Day Challenge AND the opening of the Social Confidence Club. Click ‘Join Now!’ and take your next step towards social ease!

Do you want to...

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- Reduce your social anxiety 🚀

...and start feeling more confident. More at ease. And step-by-step you begin breaking down your social anxiety challenges?

- Feel less fear 🙈

...of getting anxious and being seen anxious?

- Feel less awkward 😳

...and self conscious?

- Get insights into psychology 📚

...of social anxiety, and proven strategies to build lasting social confidence?

- Gain true hope and optimism 🌈 overcome your social anxiety?




Click the button below and secure your spot right now!

In our 30 day Social Confidence challenge you will...

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The Power Of Tapping

I've used this technique to overcome my own social anxiety. And I've helped hundreds of clients do the same.

During this challenge you'll be guided through powerful tapping experiences . And you’ll learn how to use this technique to completely overcome your social anxiety.

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Discover The Blueprint
To Social Confidence


Transforming social anxiety takes time, but progress happens rapidly.

I've created 5-stage roadmap with 21 milestones - The Journey to Social Confidence - that will guide you from anxiety to effortless social ease.

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Massively Reduce 
Your Social Anxiety

Day by day, you'll be guided through simple lessons and transformative exercises reducing your anxiety. 

You'll start feeling more confident. More at ease. And step-by-step you begin breaking down your social anxiety challenges. 

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Be inspired & supported by a community of people going through the same

You'll be part of an uplifting community of like-minded individuals who face the same pain and challenges.

Everyone is here to offer encouragement, share experiences, and provide support as you work towards social confidence.



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Follow a structured, proven to be effective approach

Every day, you simply read an email and watch a short video, tap along and make progress - all from the comfort of your own home!

It takes you an average of 20 minutes a day - very little effort that will potentially transform your life.

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Participate anonymously in a safe, confidential space


You can do this challenge 100% anonymous - no matter if you choose to comment or show up in the live webinar. 

Our community is a safe, friendly and uplifting space that will give you hope and motivation throughout this journey.


Here's some inspiration from comments of our last challenges!

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How it works:


1. Sign up for free

You can use your real name, a fake name, whatever you like, and an email address.

The challenge is completely free, no strings attached.

2. You'll get an email

This email will give you access to our program. To prepare you for the start of the challenge, we've provided some welcome info and FAQs.

3. We've provided some content to get you ready

As the start date of the challenge gets closer, you'll receive some educational content, short videos or emails, to get you ready and excited.

4. We'll kick off the challenge on 1st January!

Once we'll start the challenge, you'll receive

- a daily educational (and not boring!!!) email, and

- a short video to follow along

5. Your part of of the job:

You will read the email with an open mind, and watch and follow along the video.

If you like, you can share your experience in the comment section.

6. The comment section - everyone's favourite

In our previous challenges, we've received thousands of comments! People love to share, read and relate in the comments.

And because this is such an essential part of the challenge, our team takes the time to respond to every single comment we receive! 

This is why we limit the space - so we can make sure to be fully available to our participants.

7. Some surprises are waiting...

Nothing to add stress to your life, though. We  won't put you in the spotlight, don't worry!

We've come up with some great ways to add even more value to this challenge... Follow along and find out yourself!

8. After 30 days the challenge is completed!

Those who actually follow along day-by-day and complete the challenge will likely feel a lot of release. Hope. Motivation. And clarity of how to completely overcome their social anxiety. 

It's worth it, and can potentially improve the quality of your life in amazing ways.

9. Enjoy a more confident, relaxed state

If you show up for these 30 days, it's likely you'll feel more at ease. Less anxious in social situations, before, during and after. You'll have a clear perspective and a powerful technique to get you all to way to social confidence. Most of our participants feel really hopeful and optimistic after completing the challenge.

The most common regret of people who have done the challenge?

To not have done it sooner!


The most common regret of people who overcame their social anxiety?

To have waited for so long to take action or get help.


What makes this challenge  unique...

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You'll learn the only fully structured approach focused on overcoming social anxiety.

Yes, you read that right. There's no other clearly structured AND PROVEN approach out there that takes you step-by-step from socially anxious to socially confident.

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You'll get a technique to help you deal with any difficult emotion.

EFT Tapping is a tool. It can be applied to release any difficult emotional state. You can apply it to ANY difficult situation in your life.
It's a tool any child should learn. And it's simple enough for a child to learn.
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You won't have to face your fears through awkward social situations.

We all had enough of those. 

My approach doesn't require you to do all the weird stuff I've tried, with minimum results. You open your computer. Read. Watch. And tap. Job done.

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The challenge is FREE. ZERO risk for you. But so much to gain.

I've been asked by past participants: 

Why do you give this challenge away for free?

Here's why: I want to make these tools as widely available as possible. Accessible to as many people as possible.  
I want people to try and not give up hope. This is the best way I could come up with.
AND this challenge is a teaser to my core offering:
The Social Confidence Club.


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Results with tapping are immediate and lasting.


I know this sounds like a big promise. But I'm being honest with you.

And while for most social anxiety sufferers the journey to social confidence is in fact a journey, it will come with breakthroughs and progress, especially once you begin applying my techniques.

Just try them out yourself!

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You'll likely not only reduce your social anxiety, you'll increase the quality of your life.


You'll understand yourself better. Like yourself more. Be more compassionate with yourself. Get perspective on your issues. Stop beating yourself up so much.

And that will show in the quality of your life. Because fact is: social anxiety impacts almost every aspects of your life. It's hard to imagine how many amazing little changes you're about to experience!

This is what happened for many participants of the past challenges... It can also happen for you!

Join the Challenge now!

Enter your name and and email and secure your spot now!

What participants say



"I always thought that I don't need to accept myself, I just need to get rid of the social anxiety.

When you accept anxiety, there needs to be acceptance because it has been serving us for so many years, but we always thought it's our enemy. The greatest revelation that I had during the course."



"The 30 Day Challenge just gave me a step-by-step direction, which put me on the path to Social Confidence.

What I liked the most about it is that it got me into a routine. And it was fantastic."



"You're going on a bit of a ride, but it's very empowering
. You got to force yourself to listen to that little bit of hope and just do it! 

Just try to listen more to that side of yourself. Still knowing that there is going to be resistance."


Frequently Asked Questions

More comments from our last challenges!

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Some final inspiration...


You've probably tried a lot of things already. Or you feel like your social anxiety isn't really that bad that you'd need a program for it. Or you're simply tired of trying to overcome it...

Whatever you may feel right now, I've probably been there. It's taken me so many years and countless attempts to really completely overcome this. 

I've lost hope a million times. I thought I was the toughest case out there, and that's just who I am: A social weirdo. An anxious person.

So trust me when I say: There's a way out, and it's not even as hard as you'd might think.

I've dedicated my life to creating the simplest, most effective strategies to overcome social anxiety. And I've guided and witnessed hundreds of people to do exactly that.

It may be important for you to know that the average person who suffers from social anxiety will take

10 YEARS!!!

to get help. 

10 years of spiralling in anxiety patterns, avoiding social events, uncomfortable emotions, recovering from all that stress. 

You can save time and start your journey now.

You have nothing to lose, absolutely nothing. But you  have time and a better, more fulfilling, relaxed and exciting life to win.

I'll see you inside the challenge!



Take your chance now and secure your spot for the challenge!

Enter your name and email below, hit the button and get started on your journey to social confidence!

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