Hey,  Glad to see you here! I’ve got some news that might seem ‘bad’:

The Social Confidence System is no longer for sale!

Oh no!

I know, but there’s actually very good news too:

I’ve got a combination of programs, for the same price of the SCS, that is better than the SCS!

What is it?

My program ‘Create Incredible Emotional Control’.

And my program:

‘Overcome your fear of negative judgment’

What are these programs about?

Well, complete descriptions of each program can be found here and here. But real quick:

CIEC is a program that helps you become a tapping expert. And, it has specific tapping exercises to begin reducing your social anxiety step-by-step.

You’ll literally learn what to say, and what to tap on.

And, how to tap effectively to release your SA.

What else?

It also has several recordings of live coaching sessions that I did.

Wow! What else?

My God, you want more?!

OK fine, you also learn a technique that is an emotional release technique like tapping. Which is also super simple like tapping.

And, it’s often even easier and more powerful.

And, you can combine it with tapping.

But wait, that’s only CIEC!

It gets even better:

‘Overcome Your Fear Of Judgment’ is a complete tap-along coaching series. That’s right, it’s 5 recordings of actual live coaching sessions I did with a woman named Mahsa (you won’t find this anywhere).

She had a severe fear of judgment.

Before the coaching she wrote:

"I've read pretty much every self-help book on the market, changed my diet, started meditating/exercising, been to both solo and group therapy for the last 4 years (though I haven't been going the last few months), been on medication which helped a bunch but I stopped a couple years ago because I wanted to solve the issue from the root, and for now I've just been doing a lot of avoidance of social situations... which I know isn't ideal, but it beats feeling afraid all the time."

(her message before we had our first live coaching webinar together)

And she had the following beliefs:

”Social ease can never happen. I will be this way forever"
"I'm too different from everyone. I could never make genuine, lasting friendships."
"If it hasn't happened by now, what makes me think I can change?"
"I'm not worthy of getting to know/I'm not good enough."

Can you relate?

In this coaching series I help her overcome this once and for all.

And, in these 5 x 90min she also releases the bulk of her social anxiety!

6 months later, she wrote me in an email:

"I’m doing much better than I was when we first started!! Much, much better. I’m not 100% where I’d like to be, but healing is a continual process and I’m sticking to the work so I continue to see more progress as time goes on. Socially, things are good. I don’t feel as anxious just existing out in the world anymore, I’m able to start/hold conversations with strangers, my social circle is expanding, I feel more comfortable in my skin overall, I’ve re-opened the doors to the world of dating, and so on… obviously these new stages of life come with a whole new set of anxieties, and I am noticing new blockages I wasn’t aware of before, but they feel more manageable and they don’t run my life anymore. I also know I have the tools to get through any of the newer anxieties because I’ve already made it through the worst of times. Thank you so much for your help. I will always be grateful to you for guiding me through the process and helping me release so much of my pain and fear." - Mahsa's email 6 months after

Best news about this?

You can watch these, tap along with them, and in doing you start releasing your social anxiety.

I know, hard to believe. But that’s what happens.

It’s actually so common, that there’s a term for it in EFT land: ‘borrowing benefits’.

From the main EFT website:

“One of the most profound discoveries in EFT in the early part of the twenty-first century was the phenomenon called "Borrowing Benefits." It's the discovery that simply watching someone else do EFT on their issues, while tapping along with them, can help you reduce the emotional intensity of your own issues.”

And there are even 3 studies done on it.

And, this is even better than your regular BB.


Because with normal BB the practitioner works with a client in front of a group.

And all the group members tap along.

But the group members have totally different issues than the client
receiving the actual EFT treatment.

The client might be tapping to overcome a spider phobia.

While an audience member tapping along deals with a completely different issue, like anger at her father, or grief over the loss of a loved one.

And yet, they get profound results.

This is like borrowing benefits, but it’s better.


Because when you tap along with me and Mahsa, you can relate!

When you see Mahsa on screen sharing about how bad her social anxiety is, you can relate to that.

And when she talks about the causes of her SA, you'll be able to relate to that too (even though yours is different).

So this is like borrowing benefits on steroids!

Your subconscious will link what’s going on with her, to your unique issues. And as you tap along you begin making progress on your issues.

And, seeing her make this transformation is also very inspiring.

It gives you the feeling “wow, maybe I really can change too”

Not only that, seeing her go through her journey to social ease helps you develop compassion for yourself. And it fosters self acceptance.

And all that’s required is clicking the play button and tapping along!

Doesn’t get any easier.

It’s the Netflix of healing :-)

"I have had a massive improvement recently in my SA and I believe it is most likely down to tapping along to this coaching session. The causes of my SA are very different as expected but I think this cleared a lot of resistance for me. There's still improvement to be made but I am so so grateful."

Hereā€™s a comment underneath the first replay.

And there are tons more comments of people’s lives changed just by tapping along.

Excited yet?

Good, there’s reason for excitement!

I’ve made these changes because I found that too many people buying the SCS got stuck. They needed a more guided experience.

That’s why I created this set up for you. 



So, here's the deal

Get CIEC ($129) and ‘Overcome Your Fear Of Judgment coaching series’ ($199) together for only $299.

You save $29.

Ready to start your journey to social confidence?

Click the buy now button below.

Once you’ve made the payment you’ll receive an email with both programs.

And you can immediately begin releasing your social anxiety.

You can start tapping away your SA in just minutes from now.

Click the below button now.


Get 'Create Incredible Emotional Control' and ‘Overcome Your Fear Of Judgment coaching series’ together for only $299.

What you'll get:

  • Lifetime access to all 5 replays of live coaching webinars with Mahsa (of 90min each)
  • Simple, field-tested tapping exercises to rapidly reduce your social anxiety
  • Experience gentle transformation from the inside out and feel socially comfortable and at ease.


Buy now and get started on your journey to social ease.



I know it’s hard to believe that something can actually work to overcome your social anxiety.

And I also know some of you might feel uncomfortable asking for a refund.

And I want you to be able try these tap-along coaching videos totally RISK-FREE.

(and you can even watch the first of the 5 coaching replays totally for free, here)

So here's what you do:

Try out the 'Create Incredible Emotional Control" and 'Eliminate the fear of judgment coaching series' for a full 60 days and if it doesn't benefit you, all you have to do is email me for a refund.

And the refund process is straightforward and easy.

No tricks. I have a solid reputation online. I have been online since 2008. And my first ever Youtube video is from 2009. Plus you find me weekly releasing a new video on Youtube. 

I have a good reputation and intend to keep it that way. I only want you to pay if you get results. And if you have social anxiety alone, I feel very confident you'll get great results.

If you don't get results, I will instantly give you a full refund.

All it takes is a simple email saying "hey Seb, this didn't work for me".

No questions asked, no hassle.

You literally have nothing to risk.

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't know what you've tried before. 

What I do know is that if it didn't work, there are reasons for that.

And for more than 90% of people the general reason for tapping not working is this:

You haven't tapped on the right targets in the right way yet. 

To get into more detail...

Most people - even those who studied tapping and are great at it- get relief with tapping. They make good progress. -But- they then eventually hit a plateau...

While other people tap and don't get much (if any) results in the first place (I was one of them). 

And nobody actually resolves their social anxiety on their own!

Why not?

Because you can’t be doctor and patient at the same time.

And I think it’s EFT Master Lindsay Kenny who says: 

“Even the best surgeon in the world can’t remove his own appendix”.

So what's the problem here?


You remember what they are, right?

Let me refresh your memory:

‘Blind spots’ are the subconscious habitual patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving, as well as the limiting beliefs and emotional memories we aren’t conscious of ourselves.

In other words: We can't find the right targets to tap on. Our subconscious hides them from us out of protection. So we are consciously blind to what we need to tap on most!

And because of these blind spots…

  • … you don’t find the right targets to tap on (cause your subconscious hides ‘m)
  • … you work on the wrong issues (but think you’re on target)
  • … you seem to make progress (but you keep falling back)
  • … you end up going in circles (sound familiar?)

In short: Because of these blind spots you at some point in your journey get STUCK.

Either at the start already.

Or later once you hit that plateau.

A plateau might be:

  • … Not being able to become comfortable around a certain person
  • … Still feeling anxious with new people
  • … Endlessly getting triggered when you’re the center of attention
  • … Continuing to beat yourself up, even though you know better
  • … Blushing and/or feeling insecure in that specific situation


And when you plateau, you need outside help to move past your blind spot. 

And with outside help I'm talking about an experienced tapping therapist.

But guess what, during these coaching sessions with Mahsa I uncover and release all of her blindspots. And they're all very common ones, I see them all the time.

So as you watch and tap along (you can get the first coaching session totally for FREE here) you'll discover your blind spots and move past them too. 

So you stop being stuck, and tapping finally starts to work for you. 

Or you finally move past your plateau and make massive progress on your journey to social ease. 

Further, the other main reason people fail to create a real breakthrough is because they're not able to overcome the subconscious resistance to change. 

This was the same for Masha. Which is why in coaching session #3 we spend the whole 90min on uncovering and moving past her subconscious resistance. 

Which you can tap along with and release your resistance. And even if you don't release it all, you'll see how I do it, and you can then uncover and release whatever might be left in an easy and simple way. 

Mahsa reported a profound shift at the start of session #4, just from having tapped on resistance in the previous coaching session. 

She said "it's been amazing, I could just be in a place without worrying about what others were thinking". 

So in conclusion: You didn't get results before because you didn't tap in the right way on the right targets. Watching the coaching videos assists you in doing exactly this.

I get it. 

And I want to help you anyway, so make use of my FREE offer and get the first of the 5 live webinar coaching sessions I did with Mahsa. 

That's for nothing. Zilch. Nada. 

Get it here.

I also offer three spread payments of $67 for the full program.

Register here.

“But my issues are unique and different."

You're right: your issues are unique and different. 

But not that different.

Even though the root cause of your issues are different from Mahsa's, how social anxiety shows up for people is very similar.

I've done over 5000 hours of coaching sessions in the past decade and I hear the same things over and over and over (which is why I figured these tap-along coaching sessions would be so helpful). 

When you watch Mahsa on screen reveal her issues...

... your subconscious will go on a search for how this relates to your issues.

And as you tap along with Mahsa and repeat what I have her repeat, you start releasing your issues.

This is a well-known phenomenon in EFT land. It’s given the name ‘borrowing benefits’ (though this is better than borrowing benefits, this is 'BB on steroids', more in a sec).

In EFT land it was discovered that  simply watching someone else tap on their issues, while tapping along with them, can help you reduce the emotional intensity of your own issues. And produce lasting change.

Here's what Dawson Church, PhD writes:

"There are a few studies done on 'borrowing benefits'. The first study to examine this phenomenon was performed by Jack Rowe, PhD, then a professor at Texas A&M University. He examined the mental health of 108 people attending an EFT weekend workshop. He tested them a month before the workshop, and immediately before, and found that their levels were unchanged. But after the workshop, they had improved dramatically, even though they were watching sessions performed onstage. They retained a part of the improvement when Dr. Rowe tested them at subsequent intervals. The Rowe study was replicated and extended in a second study by a research team that included me (Dawson Church, PhD) and Audrey Brooks, PhD, a professor at the Psychology department of the University of Arizona at Tucson. We looked at mental health symptoms in 218 healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, psychotherapists, chiropractors, and alternative medicine practitioners. The subjects were attendees at 5 professional conferences who attended a one-day EFT workshop. At one of the conferences, EFT was offered by one EFT expert, and at the other 4 by Dawson Church. Participant mental health improved significantly at all 5 conferences. As we measured the participants' symptoms during a follow-up period, we discovered that they retained most of their gains. A later replication of the study examined workshops taught by EFT Masters, such as Ann Adams, Loretta Sparks, and Carol Look. It reinforced the same findings, and showed that EFT is effective regardless of which EFT expert offers the workshop. This makes three studies to measure the effects of EFT in hundreds of people, and provides compelling evidence for the effectiveness of Borrowing Benefits. "Significant improvements in psychological symptoms from pre- to post-workshop assessments, with significant participant gains maintained on follow-up. The results indicate that EFT may be effective at reducing psychological symptoms when delivered by individuals other than the method’s founder and that EFT may reliably improve long-term mental health when delivered in brief group treatments.”

Now you might say:

"I've tried tapping along with other EFT sessions and it didn't work."

And if so, I get it. But possibly, this was because your SA issue is too large no notice much or any benefit. And you weren't specific enough. You couldn't relate that well.

Now it's true that borrowing benefits can happen when you tap along with people who have different issues that yours.

Which is what happened in these 3 studies that were done.

But with these tap-along webinars with Mahsa we have


We can all relate!

Because SA issues are all very, very similar. As you can see in the many testimonials on this page. 

So when you watch Mahsa on screen you can relate to her issues. Most often consciously, pretty much always subconsciously.

So now your mirror neurons are firing. You connect to the thoughts and feelings. And as you tap along you're addressing your own issues too.

We trigger so many aspects of your social anxiety issues, that we can get quite specific.

It powerfully works, as evidenced by the many testimonials (which are direct copies of comments made under the coaching videos).

Still in doubt? Tap along with the first coaching session I did with Mahsa here (totally FREE).

Get an experience of it yourself and see what happens!


I know right? 

There's so much information out there these days. I have tons of books on my kindle app I will "one day read". And products on my hard drive I'll never use. 

If I start a product and it doesn't instantly grab my attention and hook me, I'll probably never return to it.

BUT - 

Some products I do start immediately, because they're very relevant to me.

And if they are important to me, they hook me, and it's not too complex, I'll finish them. 

Now if something is important to you...

... it instantly grabs your attention, and hooks you...

... it's super easy to consume...

... and it brings you rapid relief (in less than an hour) on the biggest problem in your life...

... might it be possible that you will continue watching this?

You should be nodding your head now ;-) 

See, this is VERY different from anything you've ever purchased. 

We don't complete things when...

... they're boring.
... too difficult 
... not important (enough)

Getting rid of your social anxiety is VERY IMPORTANT to you. 

And watching these webinars and tapping along couldn't be more easy. 

And best of all, they are VERY ENTERTAINING. 

100% of people watching the live webinars stayed on for the full 90min coaching sessions. 
Because these sessions are filled with laughter, tears, insights, lessons, cognitive shifts, fascinating stories, relatable emotions and thoughts and so much more.

You'll love this. 

And if you have any doubt, watch the first one for free, here.

The goal of the SCS and this coaching series is the same: Release social anxiety and feel socially confident and at ease. 

But the way of accomplishing this outcome is totally different.

The coaching series are a fantastic add-on to the SCS that will really make a difference for you.

It helps you release your social anxiety a lot faster.

In fact, I would focus on watching these coaching sessions first, and then return to the SCS afterwards (if necessary).

For many reasons.

See, many people report great results with the SCS. But the main obstacle I’ve heard from other people is that they get stuck, loose motivation, or become overwhelmed.

They try to push themselves, and say 

"I have to first get the SCS to work before I try something else"


"if I don't do the SCS, I won't do this either"

And yet they don't take consistent action.

And that is because these statements are a sign of them not moving past the resistance.

Or not being able to get (lasting) results on their own. 

These coaching webinars are the perfect solution to this.

They are the antidote to being stuck, feeling overwhelmed, and having no motivation.


Because you will actually see Mahsa get rid of her social anxiety right in front of your own eyes.

This is incredibly motivating and inspiring.

You see her have social anxiety on the webinar, and watch me help her release it step-by-step (you won’t find this anywhere!

So you don’t just hear me talk about it being possible like in the SCS…

… you don’t just get the instructions on how to do it, like in the SCS….

… You actually SEE it happening right in front of your eyes. AND all you have to do is simply tap along and your subconscious does the rest.

You see how tapping heals Mahsa’s old deep wounds quickly and gently. 

You watch her go from anxious to calm. From sad and hurt to relieved and happy. From insecure, ashamed and ‘small and insignificant’ to 

“I feel great now, equal, and very peaceful”.

You’ll observe her shifts lifelong beliefs like ‘I’m not good enough’ and ‘I’m unworthy’.

You’ll feel excited as you see her empowerment happening.

And in later webinars you’ll hear her share the powerful positive changes that have happened in her life as a result of the previous webinars.

Seeing this -combined with tapping along- leads you to going from skeptical and hopeless… 

… to really believing on a feeling level that you can and will become socially at ease. 

Further, these webinars are actually enjoyable to watch.

I know, hard to believe right?

But my style of tapping is very different than you might have seen from other tapping experts, or even from guided tap-alongs.

The entertaining sessions with Mahsa (100% of people watching the live webinars stayed on for the full 90min coaching sessions) are filled with laughter, tears, insights, lessons, cognitive shifts, fascinating stories, relatable emotions, limiting beliefs, thoughts, and so much more. 

And, it’s super easy to release your SA - just watch and tap along.

So instead of being stuck and feeling frustrated and having to push yourself to do your inner work, simply hit play and tap along. 

This is really the easiest way to transform your inner world.

Because it’s super simple.

You don’t have to dig in your own past. Memories, thoughts, and feelings will automatically come up for you as your subconscious “connects the dots”. 

Mahsa’s issues will trigger your social anxiety issues, and the tapping releases this.

You’ll release your painful past, process stuck negative emotions, heal emotional wounds, shift negative limiting beliefs, and change unhelpful thinking habits.

So you feel more relaxed, calm, confident and at ease socially.

Further, you get to eavesdrop in on the conversations about experiencing social anxiety between an ex-sufferer (me) and Mahsa who at that moment experiences it. 

Your “secret” is now discussed by us. This kind of openness you’ve probably never experienced. It makes you go “wow, that’s just like me” and it fosters (self) acceptance. 

As you relate to Mahsa’s thoughts and feelings you no longer feel you’re alone in this. You’re no longer feeling like you’re the only one dealing with this difficult problem. And you’ll realize your thoughts, feelings and behaviors don’t make you weird or crazy after all. 

You’ll feel understood and supported on your journey to social ease. 

And best of all, as you tap along with me guiding Mahsa through her non-acceptance, you release these negative emotions and self-judgments ABOUT your social anxiety. Which leads to… 

… stopping your worry about what people think of you and taking yourself less seriously. 

But wait, it gets even better:

You also discover and release subconscious blind spots. 

Watching this you’ll gain massive insights into your own issues that you wouldn’t be able to uncover on your own.

You’ll move past your blocks so you get un-stuck, move past your sticking points, and make rapid progress towards social ease.

And, you discover the common blocks that stop tapping from working. And see me help Mahsa beyond them easily and quickly.


So you either move past them as you tap along. Or you’ll know how to do the same for your blocks.

It also makes you become much better at tapping on your own as you see me work with her. 

You’ll discover what to do when “it doesn’t work”. Find new angles to use tapping, more efficient aspects to tap on (tap on a key aspect using a specific strategy and have tens of other aspects collapse all at once). 

So you save a lot of wasted time and reduce your social anxiety much faster.

And, you learn 3 new techniques that are often more effective than tapping. You’ll see me use several techniques that are super powerful and yet very simple.

After seeing me use them a few times you can use them yourself. And they often work faster than tapping (which is why I use them)

And finally, you create lasting results through overcoming your resistance to change. 

Live webinar #3 is pretty much completely focused on helping Mahsa overcome her subconscious resistance to change. And to get her to feel she really can and will create permanent change. 

Tapping along with this will reduce/eliminate your self sabotage as well so you can create lasting social ease in your life. 


YES - These coaching sessions are a fantastic add on to the SCS and will really help you release your social anxiety faster.

And if you’re still in doubt, try the first coaching webinar for free here.

The 5 live webinars with Mahsa already happened. 

So what you're purchasing are the replays recordings of these. 

Which works just as effective as attending live. And they are yours to eep forever, so you can watch them at any time in the comfort of your own home.

I strongly expect the results you achieve to be lasting. I’ll share why in a moment.

And I also want to be 100% transparent:

Since I recorded these session in Aug/September 2019 and I’m writing this pretty much directly after, I cannot tell you this with absolute certainty.

However, I base my positive expectation of lasting change on the following:

1. I ran my Social Confidence Community last year. And it was a big success. People reported profound lasting change:

Severely reduced social anxiety, anxiety-free in certain situations, a much deeper level of social ease, improved mood overall, not worried about what others think, improved self esteem and self acceptance, more easy going, positive behavioral changes like creating new social networks and starting new jobs, and much more.

The community consisted of 2 main elements, and a forum. The two key elements were drip-fed tapping lessons and live coaching webinars.

So the live webinars made up a huge part of the community.

And people report lasting results as a result of participating with this community.

2. In the coaching webinars with Mahsa we did several very helpful things…

We created an emotional shift in the meaning she had associated to social anxiety - resulting in an improved relationship with anxiety. We released self-judgments.

This helped acceptance of anxiety, which in turn causes anxiety symptoms to no longer trigger a stronger fight, flight freeze response. Acceptance of Self resulted in no longer beating herself up, and being more self-compassionate.

This stopped the vicious anxiety cycle.

We created a psychologically healthy mindset towards change - which minimized her suffering.

We uncovered subconscious blind spots and helped her become aware of them, and move past them. 

We communicated and tapped with disowned parts, which reconnected her with more of herself and made her more solid, congruent, and grounded.

We processed old stuck emotions - which created more inner peace.

We got rid of experiences that hurt her self esteem, and released beliefs like ‘I’m not good enough’ ‘I’m not worthy’ and ‘they won’t like me’. We made her feel good about herself and like herself. Which makes it safer to “present herself” to others.

We released old trauma - so she stopped re-living the past and she can remain present and in the moment.

We got rid of painful memories so her brain no longer uses these as a resource to predict future social scenarios.

Subconscious resistance was made blatantly obvious. We then uncovered it and helped her let go off it. So self sabotage is minimized and lasting change can happen.

Limiting beliefs forming the perception of threat socially being eliminated at their roots - so your brain no longer perceives threat where there is none

Her self image was changed, so she no longer sees herself as an anxious victim, and sees herself as she truly is. So it feels safe and right to authentically be herself.

And more…

And after my 10 years of coaching socially anxious clients, I know from a lot of experience and successes my clients have had that this leads to lasting change.

And, tapping along with this has produced profound changes in those who have tapped along, as you can see in some of the testimonials shared on this page.

It’s likely these are permanent changes, also because…

3. Research done on “borrowing benefits” shows lasting results.

In the EFT tapping world it was discovered that simply watching someone else tap on their issues, while tapping along with them, can help you reduce the emotional intensity of your own issues. And produce lasting change.

This was given the name “borrowing benefits”. And it is a well-known phenomenon in EFT tapping land.

Here's what Dawson Church, PhD writes:

"There are a few studies done on 'borrowing benefits'. The first study to examine this phenomenon was performed by Jack Rowe, PhD, then a professor at Texas A&M University. He examined the mental health of 108 people attending an EFT weekend workshop. He tested them a month before the workshop, and immediately before, and found that their levels were unchanged. But after the workshop, they had improved dramatically, even though they were watching sessions performed onstage. They retained a part of the improvement when Dr. Rowe tested them at subsequent intervals. The Rowe study was replicated and extended in a second study by a research team that included me (Dawson Church, PhD) and Audrey Brooks, PhD, a professor at the Psychology department of the University of Arizona at Tucson. We looked at mental health symptoms in 218 healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, psychotherapists, chiropractors, and alternative medicine practitioners. The subjects were attendees at 5 professional conferences who attended a one-day EFT workshop. At one of the conferences, EFT was offered by one EFT expert, and at the other 4 by Dawson Church. Participant mental health improved significantly at all 5 conferences. As we measured the participants' symptoms during a follow-up period, we discovered that they retained most of their gains. A later replication of the study examined workshops taught by EFT Masters, such as Ann Adams, Loretta Sparks, and Carol Look. It reinforced the same findings, and showed that EFT is effective regardless of which EFT expert offers the workshop. This makes three studies to measure the effects of EFT in hundreds of people, and provides compelling evidence for the effectiveness of Borrowing Benefits. "Significant improvements in psychological symptoms from pre- to post-workshop assessments, with significant participant gains maintained on follow-up. The results indicate that EFT may be effective at reducing psychological symptoms when delivered by individuals other than the method’s founder and that EFT may reliably improve long-term mental health when delivered in brief group treatments.”

So people report lasting results with the set up described in the research studies mentioned above.

People in these studies however, tapped along with people who had different issues that theirs.

But with these tap-along webinars with Mahsa we have A MASSIVE EXTRA BENEFIT:

We can all relate!

Because SA issues are all very, very similar.

I therefore like to think of this set up as ‘borrowing benefits on steroids’.

Because when you watch Mahsa on screen you can relate to her issues. Most often consciously, pretty much always subconsciously. Now your mirror neurons are firing. You emotionally connect to the thoughts and feelings.

Your subconscious “connects the dots”.

And as you tap along you're releasing (part of) your own issues too.

So since ‘borrowing benefits’ already produces lasting results, my expectation is that ‘borrowing benefits on steroids’ produces far more profound, lasting changes.


The main focus of the webinar is the fear of judgment.

I sent an email to my whole email list, asking them for their number #1 social fear. And this was the “winner”.

So that’s why I decided to focus on this.

That said, we address many other fears too.


  • The fear of not being good enough
  • The fear of getting anxious
  • The fear of being seen anxious
  • The fear of being the center of attention
  • The fear that change won’t happen/change won’t last


And, as we address one fear, other fears get addressed too.

Plus, as I coached Mahsa on her fear of negative judgment, many other common social anxiety issues showed up for her.


  • Not accepting the anxiety, fighting the social anxiety, not being in acceptance of it
  • Not accepting herself when she’s anxious
  • Feeling inferior to people
  • Resistance to change
  • Lack of self acceptance
  • Low self esteem


And we tapped and released all of these problems.

So while fear of judgment is the main focus going in, we actually work on releasing all her social anxiety.

So YES we address many other fears and social anxiety issues in these sessions.


After each coaching session I encourage everyone to leave a comment under the video.

This is not mandatory of course, but I encourage it. Your question can help others, and comments under the video inspire others to watch the video.

The testimonials you see on this page all come straight from the people who have left a comment under one of the coaching webinars (and I have their permission to share, if you don't want me to share yours you can say so and I won't).

Many people also ask a question, or share their main issue. I then comment and give some tips, insight, and advice. 

I won't be able to answer in detail how you should personally go about resolving your social anxiety, as that is beyond the scope of a simple message reply. But, the tips I give will get you to the next level.

And your comments are very much appreciated, and I respond to all comments as long as this is possible.

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques and is part of a powerful new field called Energy Psychology (EP).

EP combines established Western approaches to therapy, such as exposure therapy (a researched and established Western approach to treatment) with non-Western, holistic techniques of healing and spiritual development.

EFT is an unusual looking tapping technique that combines ancient Chinese acupressure with modern psychology to quickly shift the brain’s neural pathways.

EFT has been proven to be effective and can help you process trauma, release negative emotions (shame, hurt, fear, anxiety, guilt, etc) and change negative limiting beliefs often much faster than conventional therapy can.

EFT is not a placebo. You don't have to believe in it for it to work.

EFT is also not a distraction technique. To the contrary, when you use EFT you specifically focus on the problem while you stimulate certain acupressure points on the face and body.

While it's a relatively new approach (about 20 years old) it's beginning to become mainstream. EFT was featured on the Dr Oz show, the Huffington post, Psychology today, etc. Personal development experts like Tony Robbins and Wayne Dyer recommend it.

Tapping is being used by millions of people worldwide, and leading voices in the psychology world recommend it.

"The techniques of EP have provided me with invaluable tools for working with trauma. No therapist can afford to remain ignorant of this new and exciting field."

-Nathaniel Brandon, PhD Author of The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem

"EP techniques and procedures can bring about remarkably rapid changes in the way people feel."

-Bessel van der Kolk Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine

If you're skeptical, there's probably nothing I can say that will convince you that EFT is the real deal.

However, what does convince even the biggest skeptics is the experience of tapping working its power.

And a real skeptic makes sure he's right about how much of a fluke tapping is...

So what I invite you to do is to give it a chance.

That's what I did, and it changed my life forever. Because when you feel something shift inside of you, that change is undeniable.

And when you rapidly release a sense of shame or a feeling of fear that's been with you for decades, you'll know tapping is the real deal.

To make this easy for you, I offer a free replay of a tapping session I did with Mahsa. You can check that out here and start watching it and tapping along with it in minutes.

Many of the testimonials on this page are taken from comments under that video. 

Some degree of skepticism is normal and healthy. It means you're not gullible and don't want to waste your time and effort. 

However, if we get our hopes up and get disappointed several times, we can raise our skepticism to the top. And we try nothing anymore, and we're closed to anything and everything. That's an unhelpful level of skepticism. 

I'm making this as easy for you as possible, I'm giving you this 100min tap along replay of a live webinar I did. All you have to do is watch it and tap along. Start watching now.

Awkwardly exposing yourself to what you fear is not necessary.

This is not CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) where you push yourself to face your fears.

You do need to address the fear, but there are more effective ways of going about it.

When you experience excessive fear it is there for a reason:

You LEARNED to fear what you fear.

If you are afraid of rejection or disapproval, you learned that somewhere.

Perhaps your mom or dad was critical, or they had high expectations.

Or perhaps you were bullied.

Or maybe one day you were harshly treated by a teacher. Or maybe…

These are just some of the hundreds of possible examples.

But they are common experiences that cause people to start to develop a fear of rejection or disapproval.

SOMETHING has caused you to start fearing rejection, disapproval, negative judgment, or whatever it is that you’re afraid of.

If you don’t know what it is, that’s common.

Through tapping along with me and Mahsa you'll uncover and release it.

Mahsa was afraid of being judged harshly by people.

And the CBT way would have been to just go out socially and try to convince herself logically that she's safe and that it won't happen. And that she can handle disapproval. 

She did things like this for 8 years. And as she wrote in her client for, she'd been to therapy and group therapy for 5 years. 

And her fear of negative judgment was still 9 out of 10...

What we did in the tapping sessions is we looked for what CAUSED her to start fearing negative judgment.

In Mahsa's case, it was (partly)
a mean uncle. Around him she felt unworthy, small, uncomfortable and insignificant. 

Her brain since used those painful experiences with her judgmental uncle as a resource to predict future experiences. 

Through her uncle she LEARNED to fear judgment. 

When we released the negative emotions connected to her experiences with her uncle...

... and we shifted the limiting beliefs she learned from that...

Her fear of judgment was gone.

0 out of 10.

Now she reported the next session:

"I've felt so comfortable, like I didn't even worry about others were thinking at all, and I could just focus on myself." 

See, we’re born with only two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.

The rest is all learned through life’s repetitive negative experiences and life’s (mini) traumas.

By tapping in the right way we can heal the past and clear the fear.

After the cause of the fear is cleared, you can neutralize the fear itself.

And then you calm and at ease where you formerly felt fearful.

Still hard to believe? Get an experience of it for yourself now: Tap along with the first of the 5 live coaching webinar replays FOR FREE. Click here and start watching now.

You can expect to see results after tapping along with the first 90min long coaching session I did with Mahsa. 

So you can watch the free replay of my session with Mahsa, and notice progress already. 

You really have nothing to lose, and massive benefits to be gained.

Start watching here right now.

PS You can expect to see a progressive reduction of your social anxiety as you tap along with the other 4 replays of the live coaching webinars with Mahsa.


The tap along webinars are for educational purposes only. They are highly specific to Social Anxiety and are designed to release this problem alone. It is not for those who have severe depression, a history of sexual abuse, suicidal tendencies, or personality disorders. And they are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease. Your participation in tapping along is contingent on your taking full responsibility for your own mental, emotional and physical health. You also acknowledge that some of the techniques Sebastiaan will be using and demonstrating in the replays are still considered experimental with no guaranteed outcomes for any particular user. Just because results have been positive for many others does not mean they will be for you. You further agree to consult your physician or professional therapist regarding your use of the techniques, especially if you are dealing with mental or physical health issues. This program is designed to help you release your fear of judgment and is not designed to treat severe or complex trauma, if you are dealing with these issues you should consult a mental health professional.

"This was a wonderful coaching session! I could relate to this entire video on many levels (we with SA have commonalities), but in parts I felt that it was a personal coaching session. The gymnasium exercise...I used "MK's childhood baggage" was powerful, and I used the tapping sequence about Masha's step-father and replaced it with my mother. I needed this...thank you for what you do Sebastiaan."

Mary Kay

"Hi Seb! I just want to say how much I enjoyed this webinar. Thank you to Mahsa for being so open and so brave. When Mahsa cried, I cried right along with her as that aspect really hit home for me too. I have tapped on my own before and never got the results I got from watching this webinar. There is something very powerful about watching someone else's experience -- I love Borrowing Benefits! Great idea putting this program together Seb, I've been waiting for something just like this. I'm looking very forward to watching the other webinars and hopefully making big breakthroughs. Keep up the excellent work Seb & Mahsa! You ROCK! Thank you!!"


"During this series I've realised many things that I haven't seen before (guess those are the 'cognitive shifts' you mentioned)), and it's been such an amazing experience for me. Just to notice what gets triggered in me during webinars is enlightening and maybe also a bit overwhelming (but I've tapped on that so I'm fine for now :D). And then those shifts - for example I've never realised how much I was stuck or rather fused with my childhood garbage and just the idea of not having it felt so bad and weird, I'd feel even guilty. This was huge shift for me, cause i don't have to have it! And with your help I managed to release big part of the 'web' - the overall mood set and feelings from my childhood. And it feels so good and so liberating to not carry that around anymore."


"This helped me maybe more than the other tutorials. Its much more clear for me how to use the EFT now. Thank you very much for doing this. I think I made another huge progress just from these videos with Mahsa."


"I loved this. Iā€™m feeling the most positive change after this video. Itā€™s crazy how similar my problems are to Mashaā€™s. I remember a time when I thought I was the only person with these issues. I canā€™t wait for the next video. Iā€™m loving these coaching sessions. Thanks for doing this Seb and Masha"


"Thanks for the great work, I felt relief also from tapping about not deserving to feel good etc and now noticing I don't worry so much about what others are thinking about me, so good stuff .. Looking forward for the next session. Nice to see also how Mahsa is progressing"


"Another great session. I noticed the biggest relief from tapping on the feelings of not liking myself. I feel right now that in social situations to come I probably will feel some anxiety, but I'm just not worried about it. I feel I can just take it as it comes."


"I really enjoyed this session. It was a bit of an eye opener for me. When I got to the part of the video where you were tapping on ā€˜Iā€™m not good enoughā€™ and then onto I donā€™t like myselfā€™ it really hit a nerve and I felt quite emotional. I felt shocked at my reaction at the time because I thought I was more ok with myself than that. During the session I tapped on a person who was my boss who made me feel uncomfortable. It felt to me that he didnā€™t like me or wasnā€™t impressed by me because I was too quiet and he preferred more outgoing, and opinionated people to be in his team. I started with a 10 and got it down to 0. Good riddance I thought. So that was good. At the end of the season I felt the same as Mahsa. I canā€™t wait to go out and try it out"


"Great session. I love that you know so much about this subject Seb, its really helped me a lot and turned my life around, and at age 58 these patterns have been entrenched for decades."


"This was a wonderful coaching session! I could relate to this entire video on many levels (we with SA have commonalities), but in parts I felt that it was a personal coaching session. The gymnasium exercise...I used "MK's childhood baggage" was powerful, and I used the tapping sequence about Mahsa's step-father and replaced it with my mother. I needed this...thank you for what you do Sebastiaan."

Mary Kay

"Firstly, thank you Mahsa for being brave enough to go through with the live session! It really helped me too & although my childhood experiences were different to yours I could totally relate to the feelings of sadness, despair etc that comes with social anxiety. I was also moved to tears (which is very rare for me!) a couple of times while tapping & felt some relief also. Thank you also Sebastiaan for providing these sessions, they are fantastic! "

"Hi, This was actually a very emotional video for me to watch. Not because my root cause of my social anxiety is the same as Mahsa's but because I could relate to the emotional pain she was experiencing. I cried several times watching this video and tapping along with it because I felt a lot of sadness during the session. It somehow opened up a lot of emotional pain that I have stored in my body. At the same time I also felt relief as the session progressed, as though I was able to let go of some of my pain. It was very helpful. Thank you to both Mahsa for being so brave and to Sebastiaan for being an amazing therapist."


"So, I'm 41 and have S.A. since my early teens. For some reason the first thing that came to my mind was a memory from my early childhood of my mum getting angry and smashing my dinner plate (and dinner) on the floor. She was actually angry with my dad and not me. But somehow I connected that to my fear of being judged, being 'not good enough'. I started the session at about a 7 and finished at around 2. So thanks very much Seb and Masha."


"Hi Seb, and Mahsa. Firstly let me say that I suffer with SA for more then 10 years (I'm 34 now). At the beginning of the webinar i felt a 7-8 level of anxiety when thinking of me in the worst situations, and a 3-4 at the end."

"I assisted the webinar live this Sunday and today (Thursday) I can say that my week is going very well. As you suggested on this session, I am tapping when anxiety starts wanting to appear (I m tapping on my fingers). I have been generally more relaxed, confident and happier (different then my usual weeks). IĀ“m going well on social situations (but this week I did not yet had the worst and strongest situations that triggers my SA, although I have had some situations that normally can trigger SA but did not). For me the eye contact is my worst problem and it gives me a lot of anxiety and makes me block when interacting with people. Although IĀ“m having a great week very confident and calm. Thank you so much Seb for the good deed you doing helping so many people. God bless you! Thank you also Mahsa for being so brave and also helping us surpass SA. God bless you to!! Love to you all!!!"

"That was very helpful, great insight and honestly just beautiful to watch. To see Mahsa lower her anxiety levels in all these areas was wonderful to witness, it is the greatest gift one can give themselves. Congratulations Mahsa! Seb, such insight from the way you drill down into the issue to use on my own tapping work."

"I saw the first video I felt a little bit better but the next day I come back to the same point then I saw the second video and tap along with it I felt something change but I hesitate to right comment or give feedback because I want to see is this change going to stuck with me !! So the next day I went out between the people and I am less anxiety and I am less care about them this time I felt happy because this change Because I have severe anxiety (panic attack) for five years I canā€™t go in the public I canā€™t buy something I canā€™t cross the street I canā€™t do anything simple outside but now itā€™s better. I am waiting for the third video because itā€™s amazing, thank you for this offer Sebastian and thank you Mahsa to allowing us to see your videos"

"I have definitely noticed a significant improvement in regards to not worrying about what people think of me since watching the coaching series and Iā€™m very grateful for this. I was almost worried that I might not care enough, and that I might say something that may offend someone or let myself go, appearance wise, but then I quickly realised I wouldnā€™t do that. One of the things I dread at work is having meetings. I attended one a couple of days ago and although I did initially feel a little bit anxious It did pass quite quickly and I was able to speak out more than I usually do without the usual symptoms of my heart beating faster and sweaty palms. Which feels pretty good, and I feel determined that to keep on improving. Iā€™m so glad I discovered you and am grateful for what you do. Iā€™m looking forward to watching replay #3"

"I have progress with every session you did with Mahsa and I am waiting to see the last session so please donā€™t be late to upload the video and if you have another session with another people iā€™m interesting to purchase these programs and if you have something special like new programs please just share Thank you Seb"

"Hi Seb, another fantastic webinar, I finally got time to watch...thank you for what you do, look forward to seeing you both again in the next webinar."


"After participating the webinar previous to this one, I was having a good week. But after having one or two shitty encounters or feeling a bit anxious with eye contact (that is my biggest problem) and understanding that the other person perceived it, starts bringing again a bit of shame, sadness and frustration. I think that causes me a negative spiral of insecurity and a feeling of "I cant do this" that starts worsening my anxiety mostly with the eye contact. I participated in this series. It felt very powerful. I believe this therapy is fixing me inside and I have the belief IĀ“ll become socially at ease with natural eye contact with anyone, no matter what circumstance. Im not sure if I already accept my SA, but I know that what happens in life is for a good reason, and I accept it in that way. Thank you both Seb and Masha for this. I really appreciate these videos. Itā€™s hard for me to bring up the emotion when Iā€™m on my own just thinking about it. I started the session about 3 and finished about a 1. Feeling much better."


"Super helpful video as resistance is my biggest struggle. Most of the time I do tapping I have to force myself to do it because deep down I donā€™t think itā€™s really going to work. After going through this video I feel a lot more positive and exited about getting to work on it, so thank you very much. Also your diagram on the whiteboard was great. Makes things really easy to understand."


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