How I Overcame my Social Anxiety -
You Don't Have To Do It Alone!

After battling severe social anxiety for over a decade,
I found a way to break free. Now, I’m here to help you do the same—
completely, gently, and all from the comfort of your own home.

Social ease is your natural state
- and you can return to it!
Driven by his passionate desire
to create a world free of social anxiety,
Seb has led hundreds of people feel free, comfortable,
and at ease being their authentic self with others.

Introduction: My Journey from Social Anxiety to Confidence

I suffered from severe social anxiety for over a decade, trying everything I could to overcome it. Facing my worst fears—like approaching women, public speaking, and even purposefully embarrassing myself—only brought temporary confidence. I feared I'd live with social anxiety forever.

The Turning Point: Discovering a Powerful Technique

In 2006, I hit rock bottom. That desperation led me to discover a scientifically proven emotional release technique. Despite my initial skepticism, I gave it a committed try. Over time, this technique, combined with guidance from brilliant therapists, completely changed my life. It worked far better than just forcefully facing my fears.

Why Traditional Methods Didn't Work

Like many, I tried the standard advice: changing thoughts, affirmations, journaling, and mindfulness. While I did gain some confidence, it was always temporary. The confidence faded quickly, and I was back to feeling anxious. These methods didn’t address the root of my anxiety.

The Breakthrough Moment

One day, after applying the emotional release technique during a workshop, I felt a profound internal shift. Shame and embarrassment I’d held onto for years dissolved. For the first time, I felt calm acceptance. That was the beginning of my transformation.

A Long but Rewarding Journey

It wasn't an overnight fix. I worked with several top-level therapists and persisted through tough moments. But slowly, my social anxiety cleared, and I reached a place of comfort and ease around others. Today, I’m proud to say I’ve been mostly anxiety-free for years. I still use this technique whenever new challenges arise, helping me expand my comfort zone even further.

My Mission: Helping You Become Anxiety-Free

I know firsthand how tough social anxiety can be, and I’m passionate about sharing the tools that helped me. You don’t have to force yourself through fear alone. With the right technique, you can finally release the anxiety holding you back. 

Ready to know the secrets to social confidence?


Ready to live a socially confident life?